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frame saw 框鋸。


Complete crystal shape , high diaphaneity and low impurity . suitable for circular saws , frame saws and geological broach 晶體完整,透明度高,雜質含量低,晶形與晶體強度性能優越。使用于圓鋸切片、框鋸切片、地質鉆頭。

The variables view in the display window displays the values of the variables in the selected stack frame see Variables視圖(在display窗口中)顯示了選中的堆棧幀中的變量值(請參閱

You can modify the connection pool settings by selecting the connection node in the navigation frame see 您可以通過在導航框架中選擇連接節點來修改連接池的設置(參見

Diamond abrasive products - specification for diamond abrasive circular saws and frame saws 金鋼石磨料制品.第2部分:金剛石磨料圓鋸和框鋸規范

Woodworking machines ; horizontal frame sawing machines , terms and sizes 木材加工機械.臥式框架鋸床.術語和規格

Woodworking machines ; vertical frame sawing machines , terms and sizes 木材機械.立式框鋸床.術語和尺寸

Woodworking machines . vertical frame sawing machines . nomenclature 木材加工機械.立式框鋸床.專用術語